I love milk carton soaps. Milk cartons make one of the best soap molds out there, especially for rebatching soap, or for what I do, melt down all my soap shavings and bits n bobs of sampler soaps. In the crock pot I throw my shavings in add additives to them such as milk, oils like sweet almond oil or olive, I add micas or colourants and fragrances too. This one I added 2% milk about 1/3 cup, sweet almond oil about a tablespoon I just pour it in but not too much. It's like my grandmother, just little bit. And I added same about a tablespoon of olive oil. I set my timer to 15 mins let it start to cook, then go and stir, timer, go stir. As I'm timing and stirring, when it starts to melt down I add more shavings to fill the crock pot. Until I can't stir or add anymore. This time round I added in some brewed coffee about 1/2 cup. There I go again like grandma, but that's how I measure it with this type of soaping anyway. Then I added the brewed coffee ground from the coffee I just made, plus you get to drink it too and enjoy a cup while you're doing this! The coffee grounds I measured, I put in 4 teaspoons. Let this cook and melt so it's pretty thin consistency you'll know. I would watch it now and stir every few mins. If you have soap shavings or bits of soap that haven't melted all the way I wouldn't worry too much because that's what gives this its Krazy Soap name. When it hardens and you cut it you will have confetti type effect in the soap. I added no fragrance to this at all. The soap shavings I had are all fragranced and when I clean my soaps I save them in a zip lock bag. The big freezer bags. So all the fragrances are just married together. I used a big milk carton for this batch and poured it,then added coffee beans to the top. With milk carton they bow or wow, so I set it straight with soup cans whatever books even to keep it straight. It works for me! Coffee and coffee grounds are great odour busters and exfoliaters which makes this a great soap to have at your kitchen sink. When cutting onions or garlic things like that it seems to remove those odours from your hands. Another good thing this soap would be good for would be as a gardeners soap for removing dirt from your hands. In any case, it's fun to make. I can't wait to cut this open.


And here they are!

My new business cards have arrived. And always take orders by phone or email. Give us a fb like too! Our little soap kitchen is always open. Thanks for stopping by.