Here is the stick blender. I got mine at Canadian Tire and the box said "Stainless Steel Blades" Gotta have one! This makes life easy.
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We left off making sure your lye and and oils reach the same temperatures. While I was waiting I got my molds ready. I used my new wooden soap mold and lined it with the waxed freezer paper.
Made sure I had my stick blender ready and plugged in and my patchouli oil to mix in.
When the oil and lye reached a hundred degrees I poured the lye slowly into the oils. You will se it turn color right away. Place your stick blender into the mix and then turn it on to blend. This recipe traced real quick, Trace occurs when the oils and lye are blended to turn your recipe into a pudding like mix. When you take your blender and pull it out the soap should stick to the blender and the leave trace marks on top of your soap. At this stage I added the 4 ounces of patchouli and blended it into the soap. It was ready to pour into the mold. Process time 1.5 hours
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