Well I don't think I have ever been this excited about soap...it got me dancing in the kitchen.
I think it is my best soap to date. I have tried marbling before with other soap recipes and this is my best result so far!! the recipe made 32 bars of soap, two full soap molds. I was exstatic when I took them out and cut them. This I will make again. Want the recipe? here it is
4 oz Castor Oil
38 oz Crisco w/palm all veg oil
24 oz Organic Coconut Oil 76
24 oz Olive Oil
34.2 oz Distill Water
12.72 oz Sodium Hydroxide
2 25 oz Black Licorice Fragrance Oil (Canwax)
Activated Charcoal (Pre-saturated with oil) I poured in maybe an ounce and a bit to swirl
At light trace add the fragrance then pour your activated charcoal ITP (in the pot) in spots here and there and pour into mold, with a bamboo skewer run thru the soap mix and make your swirls back and forth and then criss-cross, Put it to bed. I let this sit for 36 hours before taking out of the mold. It was hard not to peek :-) I am going to use this recipe for my next batch of Miyake for Women a nice perfumey soap and am going to use pink and green clay for the marble so stay tuned. Doesn't it get exciting! if you want one send me a line. Online orders $5.00 bar Harvest Festival $6.50
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