I've been so busy with selling soap it was driving me crazy not making any LOL so today I decided it was time to do just that. After two days of watching soap tv on you tube and opening my doors to sales I was up early to get this going. As with all the soaps I make I have a vision into mind what I'm going to do and this is what I in visioned . A tiger stripe soap. I watched so many YouTube videos I liked this the best! And note new soap mold made with mainstays from Walmart no more freezer paper! Yay. I saw this idea from Eve's Garden Soaps and had to make it so if she ever reads my blog thank you Eve ! So these pictures show my kind of steps in making this. First mixed my oils and lye let them cool made my mold ready. After oils were liquified I scooped some into my beakers and mixed in my lab colours black (activated charcoal) neon orange mica, and white titanium oxide. Gave them all a good stir. After mixing my lye water in with the rest of the oils and brought it to real thin trace I mixed the soap into the black Pyrex bowl first then divided the rest of the soap in half added the orange to one pot and the white to the other, gave them a fast blend with the stick blender. I added in my frangrance oils and a small amount of pure orange extract to each mix. With my colours , from the big pots I poured them into smaller beakers and made a stripe black then white then orange alternating colours till the mold was full I just had enough to fill this is ten pounds of soap!! I spooned in left over which wasn't much in this case orange and smoothed it out with a skewer to design the top sprayed it with alcohol and made a tent to cover it added bubble wrap to keep it warm. I'm very excited about it! I'm getting better and better with my soaping! And my business is getting a following. It's put to bed now 24 hours at least before I can reveal it. Stay tuned. 

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