Satsuma Manderine Orange Peels. I am infusing them in canola and olive oil. I'm going to let them sit for quite awhile to get that citrus goodness. The hard part will be the waiting. This will eventually become an orange citrus soap once I feel infusing is complete. Natural goodness. Thanks for reading and following me along. Bye !!! I'm off for a week of boating to the Thompson Islands on Lake Superior. Have a great week. See you when I return hopefully rejuvenated and suntanned. Ok back from holidays and have let this sit for a month. I strained the oil discarded the peels. Oil was orange and you could smell the orange in the oil. I decided to use the Pringles can for the mold. I also used a paper towel tube that I put in the centre of Pringles can to make a seperate tube to pour the soap in. I mixed oils and separated in half, coloured one part with canary yellow lab colour and the other orange pigment and white TD. Fragranced with Jungle Love from Natures Garden. Poured the yellow down the cardboard tube orange on outside of tube pulled it out

My contraption! I saw this on soaping 101 Here it's pulled out now skewer was to hold in place. Here's the result after pulling out tube:

Gave it a skewer swirl
Here's what I got

Beautiful ! Even the outside edge looks like the skin of an orange. This scent from natures garden no ricing no acceleration one of my favs for sure.

First cut exciting ! Recipe infused olive and canola, coconut, palm, grapeseed, castor, distill water, sodium hydroxide. Great working recipe thanks for looking! Bye and happy soaping! Squee!!
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