Here's the results and the favour wrapping by the bridesmaids and the moms.

For my son Saire and his new wife Jasmine. Such outdoors people. I was asked to make Camoflauge soaps with Bug B Gone to hand out to their wedding guests. Girls and guys so I made the green and brown and black with red and pink.

Maid of honor Ashley Denver

Brides mother my bestest friend Lori Jarvis from Light Sense Soy Candles.

Mandy tying up a favour box one soap one tea light candle

Me and my father in law Ed Wilson.
We had fifty boxes to put together

Here's the box of fifty camo soaps I turned one around so you could see the hot pink camo. I added pink and purple metallic curl ribbon and yellow satin ribbon to each soap favour and glued on glitter accents to each yellow ribbon. Took forever to wrap all fifty. Well worth the effort.


Here's the soap after bring poured, so cool.

My son and bride jasmine!!! 08/08/2015!!!! Love them both and wish them all the happiness in the world. I have taken almost a month off from soaping between working and wedding prep. I have been anxiously waiting to get back to normal. It's work but marriage comes first and this was an honour. Thanks for reading. Bye for now
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