Busy season awaits with Christmas around the corner. This year I won't be going to make too many holiday soaps as I was stuck with left overs last year.

This is the first Christmas soap I have made so far. It's overflowing with a ton of soapy goodness. Avalanche fragrance from Nuture's Soap, a lovely fresh fragrance that reminds me of snow and crisp air with a note of pine (to me anyway) it really pops in the cp. I wanted to create a soap to match the name of the fragrance, mountains, snow peaks, trees tumbling ice and brrrr cold. With my new piping kit from Royalty Soaps I ended up with way more soap then I was prepared for and ended up using the rest of the soap batter to make embeds. I used blue vibrance mica from Nuture's, midnight blue mica from TKB, white titanium dioxide ( water soluable type) poured them random in the mold and spoon swirled it. Took the rest of the soap colours and piped the top, then piped on the peaks. I added irredecnt glitter to the soap before pouring and using a pippete drizzled blue vibrance on the top. And more glitter. This soap was oozing off the sides and I had to refasten some of it as it kept sliding down the sides. I thought oh boy I should have made two molds this is not going to turn out. But after sitting and setting up here's the loaf. It looks like an exploding avalanche. To me anyways lolol

A huge bar too, it wouldn't fit into my soap cutter so I had to carefully cut the bars with a knife and here's the result

An 8 oz bar and beautiful colours!

Love the peaks it really is an Avalanche of soap! Somehow the micas muted together at the top and turned green like trees tumbling down.

Two great end pieces.

And thirteen bars! Recipe: olive, coconut, palm, castor, canola, sweet almond oil, rainwater (collected) sodium hydroxide and above mentioned micas and fragrance. This was sort of planned but the magic of soap making did the rest! I'm selling these for $13 cdn thanks for stopping by, till next time happy soaping. Bye for now
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