I saw a post on Facebook from a local pet rescue group looking for donations for an upcoming fundraiser to help with medical expenses and I thought I should donate some pet shampoo bars. I've made these before and use them on my dog Marty. When I first started making pet shampoo I wanted ingredients that I knew where safe for our pets. So I researched ingredients that would make these pet friendly as well as provide a skin and coat benefit. One was tomato juice to help with odours. Red palm oil I found that it's been recognized with veterinary groups. Providing healing for itchy skin and for shiny coats. Olive,castor and shea butter are moisturizing as well for doggy. I add purée tomato to the final soap to give extra anti oxidant properties. And to clean our dogs of dirt and dander. I love this soap. When I bath Marty his bath water is always brown, it lathers really well and rinses off leaving no soap residue. Squeaky clean! Marty, I just love him! Here he is I the tub. Lol

After seeing the facebook post I contacted the girl organizing it and told her I'd like to donate a batch of this soap. She was like.. Thank you. And I figure as well as helping our furry friends, it's also a marketing tool for me! And a write off. Win, win. I made them today and added an extra design element to them to make them pop, as my reputation as a soap maker needs to be spot on. I had ordered from Wish, three silicone paw molds that I knew I would use in the future. With melt and pour organic soap base I made the paws. Using yellow gel colours for the paw pad and then brown oxide for the rest of the paw. No fragrance. Plain.

These were so perfect. Then we made the soap. I save my Little Ceasars dog food containers and sanitize them to make this soap. They are perfect soap molds. Especially for a pet shampoo.

We use organic ingredients too! Found this at the Bulk Zone. Love that store. We freeze it before hand for this soap. Because of the acid in the tomato, if you freeze it when you add your lye to it, and do this slowly, it keeps the lye from burning the tomato and keeps it a beautiful red. Here's my frozen tomato.

I measure before freezing the amount needed for this recipe so I don't have to worry later. This is 16.75 ounces pre measured. Pour the lye little at a time let it sit and let it begin melting. Stir. While it's melting you have time to do other things like purée your tomatoes

Fresh tomatoes. I freeze these too. Perfect for when you have tomatoes left over, I freeze for spaghetti sauces too. So after tending slowly to your freezer tomato and lye, and getting your oils ready. You can mix and make your soap. Here's my oils that I prepared earlier that have been cooling down. The red palm oil is beautiful this will give your soap a beautiful yellow colour. So natural for doggy! Love it!

Gorgeous, just gorgeous.!!! I love making this soap.

Mix your tomato lye and your oils add the purée tomatoes and stick blend to emulsify. Pour into your mold. Little Ceasars:). Spray with rubbing alcohol and place the embeds on top. Let it saponify overnight. Mix you don't have the embeds just make the soap. For this fundraiser, I'm pretty darned stoked at the final result. Love love love these. I'm sure these will be a huge successful donation. And this may put me on the map! They had to be perfect. Ill post the unmolding. Oh and before I poured, I sprayed these with cooking spray so they will easily pop out. If you forget you can pop them in the freezer, I've done that before just freeze enough so you can push them out. I hope you enjoyed reading my post, and that I have inspired you to maybe try your hand at these. Thanks for looking. Bye now
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