Seeing pin after pin and soap queen and you tube videos of all these beautiful soaps I challenge myself to try and do what I see. This is a challenge. I've embedded before but just kind of threw pieces in random. With out a theme. I belong to The Leadung Ladies group in Thunder Bay where our goal is to mentor other entrepreneur women to succeed in business. A place to support each other and network. So one of our top leaders, Kaylan asked me to make bubblegum soap for her girls. They needed to be perfect. My idea was to create bubbles to embed inside the soap loaf. I saved a gift wrapping cardboard tube and constructed a soap mold out of it. I could buy a round one but why when I can make my own. Take your tube measure out freezer paper to the same size and roll making sure the shiny part inside (so soap won't stick). Place that inside the cardboard tube.

See the freezer paper sticking out of top here in photo above. Now to secure it. I took a cardboard box and a plastic take out container (from taco time) hey you gotta eat too right?! Turned it upside down and hot glued it around the base of the cardboard tube. The hot glue melted the plastic sauce container and as it melted I pushed that tube in holding it until it stood firm. I went around that tube a few times to really seal it well. No soap leaking outta here. Then I really glued the rim to the cardboard box. I had all my oils and lye ready. My fragrance, my colour. Neon Pink from Natures Garden. Perfect bubblegum colour! Now to make soap. I'm loving this new recipe it makes a small batch perfect for this. Be prepared for a bit of left overs. I always keep a milk carton handy. Those are perfect to use.

Olive Oil 10.0 oz, Coconut Oil 10.0 oz, Castor Oil 7.0 oz. Distill water, sodium hydroxide. Go to soapcalc and get your percentages ok! That's how you learn. I love soapcalc it's the only one I use. Mixed together all oils, fragrance, colour to light trace. Poured it down the tube tapping it down. Constant tapping it down and pushing it with a spoon handle. I was glad I had the box at bottom for spillage I ended up with some. Not much but some.

Here it's full nice pink. Let it set. Ok so next day 13 hours later. I left the tube and I took out the soap from the milk carton of the left overs. Still soft but that's good because I wanted to roll out small soap balls out if it. I cut into it rolled in my hands to form balls

I got lots!!

Oh.... Chinese take away lol love Manchu Wok cause you gotta eat. :)) I left these over night to harden up more. Boy this is a long post. Day three up at dawn, first coffee brewing, took the tube felt hard unravelled it. Perfect !!!!

Here's the bubblegum tube. The length of my kitchen table! Wow!!!! I will let this sit for the day and harden up. Tonight, finish up the soap. I have the soap ingredients ready. I don't use temperature thermometers anymore. I do everything at room temps. Then it's all the same. My receipe for the rest of the loaf will be same as above. It's a good one. Conditioning, Bubbly, Creamy. Making soap is a process for sure. You should be challenging yourself too. The more you practice and trial and error the more you will grow as a soaper.

Pretty cool!!! I'm happy. Come back for the final results. I'll update this post when I'm done. Thanks for looking and reading. Update: finished. I had to work fast so I mixed my recipe divided into three batches. Green, lime, yellow soap colourants from Natures Garden. No stick blending. Poured lye into oils and gave just a quick stir to slight trace. Added the bubblegum fragrance. Couple of stirs. No more just to blend. Added the colours to each quick stir to mix and then poured. Did a couple of passes into mold, banged out any air bubbles layed down the big tube of soap (which I cut by the way) I have the other half. Sprayed with witch hazel. Poured again alternating colours,to cover big bubble then layed a row of bubbles on top in the centre. Poured remaining soap, actually spooned it on as it was setting up now. Fluted the top and added another row of soapy gum balls to top. Like a cherry. Sprinkled with body safe irredecent sparkle! Love this stuff! Love making soap! Check it out:

Happy Soapin !!
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