Exzema, acne, psoriasis, skin repair. Same as the Egyptian Nite Bar only the charcoal I have keeps turning grey . I don't know why sadly because people want the black bar. So in any case I've just named these different but they do the same thing. Acne Warrior. I do like the way they look however. And with my new soap cutter my bars show the inside design so much better. It was so worth the wait. From Crafts Sake in Minnesota. It's custom made.

Love it. So here are the bars

They look like a cloudy night. Foggy and grey. No fragrance, avocado, olive, palm, shea and cocoa butter, castor oil, activated charcoal. No need for fragrance for skin repair we don't need that if we are trying to make our skin healthy. Just all natural goodness. Use in your hair too, I do. Leaves no soapy film left over. Rub on your hair and scalp lather it up, rinse. then a dab of conditioner. Just a dab. I had psoriasis so bad on my scalp and in my ears the hair was popping out of my head. I could literally hear my hair pop! It was the worse experience of my life. I bought tar shampoo which helped but made my hair fall out in clumps. It was like losing your hair when going thru chemo. My mother had cancer and I remember her hair just coming out in clumps. Same thing. That's when I started using my own soap remedies. No more psoriasis here! Gone. My hair is now more healthy, shiny, thicker, and longer! My hair has always been thin. Not anymore. It's wonderful. Throw out the chemicals they are cancer causing. Use the real deal. You'll be glad you did. I have suffered every winter all my life too. Dry skin and exzema flare ups on my hands and bad feet. I was a mess ! This winter nothing! I am walking proof that homemade soaps like this skin bar has changed my life. Get some! I'll even send you one. They are $6.50 each plus shipping. Email at lorib240@yahoo.ca. Thanks for reading!

My signature bar. Love them!
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